Comic Reviews... or How the Heck did this get here

In which the author as a young man sets about reviewing that bastard stepchild he so loves... the comic book


Table for One

Written & Drawn by: Bosch Fawstin

"I walk through a crowded room......not a soul in sight."

These words open up Fawstin's indie book, Table for One. The associated picture displays a young man in an expensive-looking suit striding through a crowded room in a restaurant. Just looking at that panel, one starts to think of film noir, back room casinos, and mobsters. Sadly, Table for One goes in a different--and duller--direction.

The main character is a prick who thinks he's clever by using bad puns and saying things like, "Why don't you try kicking his ass instead of kissing it?" There are at least five variations on that phrase throughout the book.

Furthermore, why should we as readers care about a man who is already morally superior to all those around him? Wouldn't it have been more interesting if the character was more morally ambiguous as if it were a film noir? As it is, there's no reason to care about the asshole main character because he's completely unsympathetic and, frankly, not nearly as clever as he thinks he is. I would most certainly recommend steering clear of this one.


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