Comic Reviews... or How the Heck did this get here

In which the author as a young man sets about reviewing that bastard stepchild he so loves... the comic book


Wow... amazing how a little hubris can pop up and bite you in the ass.

Testing. Mic check. Test One. Test Two... Check, check...

So we have yet to distribute any real catchy crap in ages. This is what happens when you find the team engages in the life old pursuit of getting cash. Yeah. Time and priorities can catch up to you and the next thing you know, hobbies like blogging about comics and music and movies and other assorted bullcrap seem... well trite and uneventful. You try putting on two plays a season on top of school and we see how much time you have to read the further adventures of Superman. I dont even particularly like Superman.

But that is besides the point. The Point: knocking the dust off this blog and doing somemore damage. if that is at all possible.


Carrying on a further conversation. The other day, Drew and myself talked at length on the works of Grant Morrison, Garth Ennis, Warren Ellis and Neil Gaiman. Taking a que from something that Warren Ellis said in his email newsletter: how Gaiman used Sandman for his monthly soap box. The book was arranged in such a loose setting that Neil could use it too discuss whatever was on his mind that month. Ellis commented how he and Ennis used this idea with setting up Preacher and Transmetropolitan. With these works it is easy to see that sort of monthly soap box excitement. In Transmet Spider Jerusalem was the ranting voice for a pissed off author. Spider seemed to personify whatever was at the edges of Ellis' interests for that particular month. Sometimes the plot suffered, where as the overall picture of the world flourished. And at the end of the series that really is the most important thing. Or not... depending on your enjoyment level.


The comic store job dried up. 10 months in and its over as of this December. Ah well, I started to despise the place anyway.


If you aren't reading Kurt Busiek and Cary Nord's Conan you really must. Its terrific.


Speaking of Dark Horse, they are collecting Paul Chadwick's Concrete in a new printing. The spines are all numbered and everything. The stories are collected chronologically in terms of where they take place within the overall story of Concrete, not by publication date. Whatever. I'm easy. The second volume just shipped. You should go and buy it. If you dont already own volume One: Depths, get that too, it's a good one.



Like what you see? Drop us an email at: [Nick], [Drew], [ESkalac] or [Kate]


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